RIMHCA-3/5/18 Meeting
Attendance: Vera; Norma; Kim; Ashley; Michelle; Phillip; Todd
- Treasurer’s report
- Reviewed the meeting regarding the expenditures and how to tally the amount of money; will be run through admin and then checked over by treasurer
- Payment to the Crowne for the seminar
- Seminar update
- March 8th discussed the weather and potential impact
- Need to print out evaluations—Vera to make an announcement at the beginning of the seminar to complete the evaluations in order to get the CEUs
- Discussed how this is a great way to get students to engage with RIMHCA-recruiting volunteers
- 110 are registered to attend
- April-Materials were submitted on Friday to SW Board
- People have already registered for the event
- May-psychopharmacology date booked
- March 8th discussed the weather and potential impact
- Meet & Greet/Networking Event
- Wednesday, June 27th at Lobster Pot 6-8pm-they have a parking lot; $20/person 6 hors d’vours
- Have people register and pay $5; 30 people $450/$600 for 50 people $750/$1000
- Give 1 CEU—Invite ZenCare to come to promote their tool
- Marketing the event—provide some bullet items
- Update on changes
- RIC has a teleconference on Tuesday with the DOH
- Michelle will draft a letter and send to the board after the teleconference
- Board Appreciation
- A motion was made by Norma and seconded by Michelle to add the following information to operating procedures:
- In recognition of and appreciation for the Executive Board of RIMHCA, a motion is being made to provide the Executive Board* with the following:
- The opportunity to attend sponsored seminars and receive assigned CEUs at no charge during their time of service;
- Reimbursement for annual RIMHCA dues upon completion of 1 year of service.
- These are considered as separate benefits with each being contingent upon fulfilling the expectations of the assigned office and the financial status of the Association. Account balance must be equal to six months of Association expenses.
- In recognition of and appreciation for the Executive Board of RIMHCA, a motion is being made to provide the Executive Board* with the following:
- A motion was made by Norma and seconded by Michelle to add the following information to operating procedures:
*Executive Board: Past-President, President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer
- RI Primary Care Physicians
- ripcpc.com– Possible to invite them to the meet and greet
- Pending Ideas