Minutes from 2/05/18 Begin: 6:35pm
Attendees: Vera, Ashley, Kim, Deidre, Phillip, Norma, Michelle
Review of Minutes
Review of financial spreadsheet
Discussed March Event- 84 registrants, 106 seats
April- waiting to hear back from Katrina regarding “Eating Disorder” training
May 8th– Dr. Xavier- Ashley is working on obtaining information on “Psychopharmacology”
Vera met with the President of the LMFT’s- SW’s, Psychologists- discussed there is no competition, ALL on the same TEAM! Discussed having a professional seminar for networking- year from June (?) Full day- RIMHCA is interested!
LMHC’s do not have to apply for any CE’s, we can go to any APA training, no need to apply according to RI Standards (LICSW, LMFT’s Psychologists) can all attend, no approval needed.
Teletherapy is approved-12cents per quarter hour
Medical group- to align with mental health practitioners
John invited Vera to quarterly meet n greet @ 1149
O’dourves and socializing- cash bar
LICSW’s- they do an awards banquet- Is RIMHCA interested in doing this?? Awards, recognition?? What does that look like???
June- Have a quarterly meet n greet for LMHC’s ?? Bristol, Warren area
Quitos ?? 5:30-7:30 weekday ??
Ashely will call to explore dates, Will RIMHCA do a banquet afterwards ??
RIC event- Michelle provided a description on what it would like if it were held there.
Ideas to draw people in
- Build your practice
- Socialization
- Peer support
- Networking
Students- How do we attract student membership?? Help out at a conference, student scholarship??
Discussed ways to recruit at least 3 students for March. Free, but must work. Michelle will place in RIC newsletter.